When was the last time you were in the mood for Greek food but were also thinking, “hey you know what would be really good right now? Persian food!” I don’t know about you but when I’m in the middle of shcoffing an all dressed chicken pita, the one thing that’s on my mind is beef kebab. No, not really. But if you ever wanted to have both types of food at the same time, or are having trouble coming to an agreement on where to go eat with someone, there’s a solution for you. Located in a modest strip mall in Kirkland is Grill Select; Greek and Persian Cuisine.
I recently found out that I have a lost-long relative that I didn’t know existed. I’d love to say that we reunited on some daytime talk show where I was brought on as a guest to discuss the perks and perils of the blogging world and the audience member who asks me a question turns out to be the person I’m related to. Then after a brief tear-fest we’re whisked away backstage where we’re left to reconnect on a sofa where paternity tests and out of control teens once met their fates. Unfortunately no. In fact, the person I thought I was related to wasn’t even really a person… more than it was just the name of a restaurant.