If you notice at the top of the page, I’ve added a “Press” section to the blog; have a look at what people are saying about Shut Up and Eat and its awesomeosity.
I had the opportunity to visit Soupson – a depanneur that’s not your regular porno mag, cigarettes and 3 year past the expiration-date cup noodle kind of Dep. This part-time luncheonette is doing something completely out of the ordinary. Soupson prepares wholesome and healthy lunches, salads and sandwiches of meats roasted in-store and flavour of the day soups… all the while selling really interesting products, local and imported as well as carefully selected fresh produce. Wait… Did I just say SANDWICHES?! Let it be known, I’m a big ho for sandwiches. With vocabulary that include words like BREAST,BUN, and SPREAD, how is it possible to not have a dirty mind when you think of one of the most practical lunch options… and when it’s done properly, who can blame me, I mean you, I mean “one”, for getting a little turned on about a sandwich?