Happy new year! All the best to all my readers, haters and stalkers, lovers and other strangers. Now that the holiday season is winding down to an end and people are slowly rolling themselves to the gym, back to classes and cold office chairs that smell like the leftover coffee left in your mug from 2 weeks ago, it’s about time we got back on track. What track you ask? The delicious restaurant track where I’m going to show you some amazing spots to eat this year. We’re making big moves here at Shut Up and Eat and I”m excited to share all the up and coming news with you… when the time is right! I’ll give you a clue, it involves some major awesome with some kick-assness thrown in for good luck. So if you’re up to it, join me for the ride, cos it’s going to be a good one. So that being said, I’m going to start the new year with two of my favourite things, noodles… noodles and hot chicks, and wouldn’t you know it, I went to this noodle joint with one of the hottest!