When you think of iconic food from Montreal, what do you think of? Smoked meat, bagels, “steamies”? One of our culinary claims to fame that put our celebrated culinary scene on the map has been garnering international recognition over the past years popping up on menus around the world from England to Hong Kong. Poutine! Poutine is more than just French fries, cheese curds and gravy; places around town are taking this originally lowbrow dish found only in your finest greasy spoon establishments.
foie gras poutine
Whether you’re from Montreal or visiting, there are certain things Like Toronto has their overcompensating inferiority complex and Vancouver’s ski slopes and weed, Montreal has a great cast things… delicious things that we are known for. Foods and dishes that are uniquely our own and that we share with the rest of the world, here are Montreal’s top 10 iconic Montreal foods.