This dish is VEGETARIAN. Having said that, please kindly walk in an orderly fashion to your nearest depanneur and buy your lotto ticket accordingly.
This dish is one of more unique dishes you can find at a Dim Sum house – beef offal 牛雜 – Comprised of all the best parts of the cow…!
I’ll be honest with you; this spot I’m going to talk about has been one of my favourite places. I must admit, I’ve been greedy and selfish to hold back on this one, but I’ve finally come to a decision that it is my duty to share it with you… St. Hubert. Yes, the homegrown rotisserie with bottomless bowls of coleslaw, that features a self-serve gravy pump and who’s “unpretentiousness” makes the grocery store reject poultry palatable. Euh… No, not really. What kind of bush-league blogger would I be to go on and write about frozen fries and mutated chickens that can’t make the commercial market, no matter how crispy the skin is?