Reviews of restaurants from around the city. Select the neighbourhoods on the left side of the page for more specific searches!
In every corner of the city, in every neighbourhood, we’ve all got our favourite “neighbourhood spot”. You know, that mom and pop Chinese take out place, or the no frills 2-for-1 pizza place that also sells slices, the coffee shop and bakery. Depending on where you live in our eclectic city, the roster can also include French brasserie, banh mi shop and if you live in The Plateau, Biergarten. That’s right. The lucky folks who live right off Parc Laurier have their own outdoor boozey oasis, serving home grown brews and delicious food. Not just “pub grub” though. Food by renown chef Paul Toussaint. This week I had the chance to check out The Biergarten Belle Gueule and Aux Quartiers Belle Gueule pub.