Shut Up and Eat Your Thai Mango Salad – Recipe

by Jason

By now everyone should be well into their new year’s resolutions, January discounted gym memberships, have fallen off of a couple of detox regimens and deep into self denial as your dip your deliciously golden french fries into a cup of excuses. Well, maybe not everyone… maybe just me. January menus are full of light alternatives to alleviate post-holiday guilt. But there is only so much green salad one can eat before rage eating a Five Guys double bacon cheeseburger and a bag of one-bite brownies in a hungry lust.

So to change it up, here’s my recipe for a ridiculously simple, sweet and tangy green-mango salad – fresh and light, it’s a perfect accoutrement to any meal or a quick refreshing snack.

mango salad
1 Firm red-green mango
1/2 Red bell pepper
1/2 onion
1/4C Thai basil
1/4C Fresh mint
1/4C roasted peanuts
1 sliced red Thai bird chili (optional)

1 1/2 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp fish sauce
1 lime (juiced)

mango salad
If you’ve got a mandoline, it’s time to break out it and julienne the crap out of that firm and starchy mango. Although there is no honour in that, it does save a lot of time. The finer you slice your ingredients the more volume this recipe will yield. I keep it at a medium as I like the crunch. Finely chop the Thai basil and mint.

mango salad
Toss the mango, pepper, onions and herbs, dressing and chili pepper in a large bowl with half of the peanuts (other half reserved for garnish).

mango salad
Garnish with a pinch of the remaining peanuts crushed. This salad eats well freshly made or refrigerated for 10 mins.

This recipe is stupid-simple, fresh and refreshing. Ideally for warmer weather, but this dish is perfect for brightening up the gloomist of winter days.

What are some of your go to salad recipes?

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