Cronut in Montreal – The Cronetto

by Jason

If you’ve been following the crazy world of confectionaries, you’ll know that the latest global obsession is the “Cronut” – the hybrid love child between a croissant and donut. Staking controversial and debated claims to its conception and creation, the Dominique Ansel Bakery in New York has seen day long line-ups at their SOHO location for the product of sordid pastry love affair. Fuelled by a mix of demands and curiosity, sales have been skyrocketing to the point of cronuts being listed on eBay, Criagslist and even in-line scalping – there was even a listing of trading a daily cronut in exchange for sexual favours… but they’ve since made me take that ad down.

montreal cronut
Cities across the United States are cashing in on this Frankenpastry phenomenon and the Cronut has finally found its way to Montreal. Last week, Alex from La Cornetteria sent me a text message of the latest project he was working on. While still untitled, the picture spoke for itself; then a couple of days later he openly tweeted “Ladies and gentlemen we give you… “The Cronetto”” included with this picture:

My first reaction:


La Cornetteria (who specializes in Italian pastries highlighting their namesake – The Cornetto) was the only logical guess that they would be the front runner to come out with their own version of the cronut. Having been in the works for a while now, it was only a matter of time before they were able to perfect their version of the recipe to be a viable contender in the cronut market.

Montreal cronetto
Sweet custard is piped in between the layers upon layers of flakey pastry goodness. The soft, supple and buttery interior is amazingly contrasted by the toothsome crunchy exterior; the sweetness of the dough and filling is complimented by the subtle savouriness of the frying oil; these elements lend themselves to a complete sensory gangbang in your mouth.

Since the word is slowly trickling out, I highly suggest you to head over to 6528 St.Laurent and cop your stash of the Cronetto before they hit the black market and I resort to stripping again in exchange for one of these bad boys. Be on the look out for the ricotta cream and… Nutella filled Cronettos!
La Cornetteria
6528 St.Laurent
Montreal, QC
H2S 3C6
(514) 277-8030
Opened Monday to Saturday at 7AM, Sunday at 8:30AM. GO.NOW.
Here is the article I wrote about La Cornetteria’s Zeppoles

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