Matcha creampuffs, homemade ice cream sandwiches and more – Alice & Theo

by Jason

What do you know about creampuffs? Besides the fact that that was my nickname in gym class all through high school, the only thing I know about creampuffs is that I can crush about 15+ of the frozen profiteroles that come in a bucket from Costco. While still frozen. This week I visited Verdun. Home to some of my favourite restaurants Hong Mere, Blackstrap, Street Monkeys, and Janine – I recently was put on to a local spot in the neighbourhood who was making a variety of flavours of cream puffs and ice cream sandwiches. This week I went to Alice & Theo to check out the city’s newest purveyor of artisanal creampuffs.

Alice & Theo – 3870 Wellington

Alice & Theo started as a small local artisanal ice cream shop. They slowly expanded like choux pastry into a one stop shop for sweet streets. The ice cream and sorbet flavours rotate with a few mainstays on the menu as well as weekly specials. They have unique options like, passion fruit, matcha, rose sorbet, caramel-pecan, bitter chocolate and citrus. There was an awesome rum-raisin on the menu the day I stopped in. By far the most underrated flavour.

Besides the fact that that was my nickname in gym class all through high school, the only thing I know about creampuffs is that I can crush about 15+ of the frozen profiteroles that come in a bucket from Costco.

Ice Cream Sandwich

Ice cream sandwich

Alice & Theo offers these delicious ice cream sandwiches created by you. Pick from a selection of homemade cookies (I got the double chocolate) and any two flavours of ice cream. It was explained that a lot of their products are purposely made not overly sweet (which I appreciate). When you have sweet on sweet on sweet, things get very cloying and overwhelming. The ice cream at Alice & Theo was perfectly subtle in sweetness that when paired with the under-sweet chocolate cookie, made for the perfect bite in texture and flavour.

Cream Puffs

If you know me well enough (or even just follow me on Instagram) you’ll know I’m a sucker for anything ice cream. As pleasant as the ice cream was, I was here for the cream puff experience.

Cream puffs

The puffs are filled to order with a variety of flavours, matcha, strawberry, passion fruit, peach and cinnamon, vanilla, chocolate. I was told that the owners and chef are very meticulous when it comes to sourcing the highest quality ingredients and produce from local suppliers. And it shows. The fillings had a very distinct flavour that had almost a “natural sweetness”. Definitely distinguishable from corn-syrup ladened industrial flavour concentrates many pastry fillings are made with.

My favourites where the chocolate and matcha. There’s something to be said about the matcha. It’s deep in flavour.; aromatic and smokey. It’s not for everyone, but the muted sweetness and silky texture is nice with the crisp choux pastry. I loved the chocolate because I’m basic.

Take food photos like this if you don’t want to share.

The creampuffs are sold individually or in boxes of six or eight. They are a great option for a quick sugar fix during the day or a nice change of pace for dessert after dinner. Opposed to the 15+ frozen mini profiteroles I can demolish without a second though, I tap-out at two of these from Alice & Theo. I had the opportunity to speak to the owners who were candid and open about their experience in opening a shop during the pandemic. Friendly and welcoming the staff was eager to share what makes their products different from the rest. The secret ingredient; warm hospitality. With local support and a loyal customer base, it’s easy to see why this place is a neighbourhood hot spot.

Alice & Theo
3870 Wellington
(514) 576-3870

I was a guest of Alice & Theo. Thoughts and opinions are my own.

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